Architectural Student's Association of the Philippines
University of the Philippines Chapter



Founded in 1986, the Architectural Student's Association of the Philippines - University of the Philippines Chapter is the premier academically-oriented student organization established in the College of Architecture of the University of the Philippines, Diliman.We advocate unity in diversity among different architectural disciplines and allied arts.We host a diverse body of members coming from Architecture, Landscape Architecture, and Interior Design, who aims to establish a venue where architecture students can interact in order to foster understanding, camaraderie, and unity.


The Executive Committee

Adrienne Gayle Libatique
Kayla Marie Cabungcal
Vice Chairperson
Samantha Salinas
Shmily Aeliz Cudal, Ivan Nathaniel Gallevo
Academics Committee Heads
Danieli Agura, Enzo Corcuera
Finance & Externals Committee Heads
Genesis Eborde, Keith Daniel Edquila
Logistics Committee Heads
William Henry Madayag, Issabelle Suarez
Membership Committee Heads
William Kori Cunanan, Ephraim Jester Mercado
Publicity Committee Heads
Samantha Nicholai Bontia, Ariannel Manoos
Sports & Socials Committee Heads

We Keep the Fire Burning!

As the premier academic organization in the UP College of Architecture, we focus on providing communities with substantial information through projects and events driven by our three Main Thrusts: Architectural Education, Environmental Awareness, and Social Relevance.


The Alternative Classroom Learning Experience (ACLE) is an event spearheaded by the University Student Council wherein regular classes all throughout the university are suspended in the afternoon to make way for special lectures, workshops, and forums organized by various student organizations. This event happens once a semester and all events are open to all students regardless of degree program.

Arkistry is the experimental arm of ASAPHIL-UP’s Academics Committee. It's a creativity and presentation techniques event, using various methods to convey ideas. Arkistry has taken different forms throughout the years, one of which was a photography competition while another being a design talk and workshop.

ArkiTalks is ASAPHIL-UP's main talk and seminar event series that occurs at least once every year. The event aims to further the organization's three main thrusts with its different themes and topics relating to Architectural Education, Social Relevance, or Environmental Awareness.

ArtReach is an outreach program that aims to use arts and craftwork as a medium to hone artistic skills and develop latent creativity in children with limited access to opportunities for it. It aims to open up art-making as a productive hobby for children to express themselves. ArtReach gives back to the community using the artistic skills we are trained in for our course and profession.

ASAPHIL Month is the grand celebration of the organization's foundation. The celebration consists of a series of various projects and events, whether internal or external, compact within November. These projects and events include the ASAPHIL Month Exhibit, Liyab, Grand Pakain, In Fair, Alumni Dinner, and Committee Outrage.

Design Blitz is a fast-paced, interdisciplinary design competition for undergraduate students from different colleges and universities. The event occurs every four years, spanning about two months. The competition aims to challenge aspiring designers in honing their problem-solving skills through design. It also serves as a means for designers at the collegiate level to culminate and share their interests and passion with one another.

The annual Firm Hopping event of ASAPHIL-UP allows its members to visit different architectural firms, ranging from large corporations to even small, home-office type setups. This yearly activity aims to educate the participants about the professional side of the architectural industry.

Siklab is a benefit concert featuring local artists. Evolved as an annual music festival, Siklab aims to continue the tradition of being an avenue for the interaction and appreciation of homegrown music. More so, it shines a light on the many talented local artists, musicians, and entrepreneurs, fostering a deeper appreciation for the local scene while contributing to a cause as earnings garnered by the organization through this event ultimately go to a chosen beneficiary.

Spirit Week is an event-filled week held spontaneously. In its early days, Spirit Week started as a way to boost morale and org pride among members. More recently, Spirit Week prompts members to wear attires according to daily themes. It is also held during the Application Process as part of its events held by the Membership Committee.

Tanglaw is a whole-day event catered to senior high school students with a passion for design and the arts. The event is packed with various talks, lectures, workshops, and competitions that enrich the skills and talents of students and help them explore more on what their interests have more to offer. Tanglaw aims to immerse and stimulate young minds in the overall versatility of design in the allied fields, such as architecture, production design, and fine arts.

We fuel the fire inside you!

With the premier academic student organization in UPCA, not only will you gain hands-on experience through engaging events, but you’ll also be part of a close-knit community of architectural schools in the country.Apart from advocating for architectural education, social relevance, and environmental awareness, ASAPHIL is a home.Whether you're from Arki, Landscape Arki, or ID, you can come as you are and find a family in us.


Join us in keeping the fire burning!

Take your first step here